Friday, February 29, 2008

FAWM Update

Here's a quick update on my progress for FAWM before the Mrs. and I head to dinner, because I'm sure all two of you out there are on pins and needles wondering if I'm going to pull this off.

I have 9 songs that I consider to be done (that is, I have music and lyrics for), the titles of which (in no particular order) are:

El Camino
Broken Bottle
I Don't Want To
I Go To School (But I Drink In The Parking Lot)
Epic Fail
D-U-N Done!
Box of Wine
(It's Time To Get Down To) Brass Knuckles
Six Pack

I'm pretty proud of the diverse themes within the mulleted world I've so far been able to tackle, like ugly cars, alcohol, stupidity, fighting, breaking up, breaking bottles, and finding a one night stand. Some might get another verse or a bridge later, but I'm calling 'em good enough for now.

In addition to the nine completed songs, I have five more that only lack lyrics. Luckily, the people running FAWM are lazy and the cut off time is at the international date line (rather than local midnight), so I actually have until five a.m. to pull this off. It's going to be rough (lyrics aren't exactly my strong suit, just ask anyone that saw my old band Half-Penny perform), but much like the little engine of yore, I think I can.

Keep on rockin' in the free world,

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