Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New and Improved?

I'm pretty sure I mentioned it at some point, but I'm in a play and it opens Friday. Being the dedicated slave to the arts I am, I have offered up my very appearance for this production by way of a shave and haircut. Behold my commitment and despair (or something)!



You'll have to come to the play to see my awe-inspiring salesman comb-job. That's right, it gets even better. See you there.


Meg Lanker said...

Umm...you look like a thirty seven-year-old math teacher. Or a salesman. But all for the sake of art....

Linus said...

It's sort of like a younger, better looking, Steve Buscemi... you need a bowling shirt.


Regis said...

Wow Linus, that almost tops the (favorable) comparison a girl I knew in high school made between me and Gilbert Gottfried.

Good call on the bowling shirt, though. Of course, I always look good in a Hawaiian shirt.