Tatooine Regionals was Saturday and Colorado States was the following Sunday. Both events were held in the banquet room at Johnson's Corner (the place with really good cinamon rolls south of Fort Collins). Saying we played cards at a truck stop sounds weird, but they let us have the room for free (but we had to buy food from them, oh woe was us). Team Wyoming did about as well as we'd done the month previous, with two last place finishes and two almost last place finishes. But whatever, I don't think that Jon or I would even be able to make Worlds if we won a bye, so let's have some fun.
I don't feel like typing a big recap and spotty tournament report (I didn't take any notes, and trying to remember 12 games over two days from a couple days back would be pretty weak reading), so here are some highlights of the weekened:
I got recognized by an attractive young woman in Casper from my time as a humor columnist for the University of Wyoming Branding Iron way back from 2001 to 2003 (or, if you prefer, before the dark times). So I guess four people that I didn't directly know read and enjoyed "Life Is Like A Mop."
Jon left all his decks but one at Tom's on Friday night, and Tom forgot to bring them to the tournament. Being the standup teammate I am, I lent Jon my SarlacCourt deck, which he switched a couple of cards out of and then beat me with in the tournament.
Broken Concentration is a lot more fun when you're the one playing it. Craig blew a SquAssign search for BoShek, then I moved the top card of his Force Pile to his Reserve Deck. He drew it for destiny, and lo and behold it was the Shekster (who is a lovely destiny 1).
Cane Adiss (v) kicks ass! so of course it's getting changed in the massive errata that's just about to hit. At least I got to bust it out against Rebel Senate shenanigans on Coruscant (ha ha!) and effectively punch speeders in the nuts (not that it won me the game, but HA! all the same). Of course, Jon nailed me with it when he played my deck against me - further proof I'm bad at this game, I don't even know what's in my decks.
I fed Han to the Rancor twice on Sunday. The first time, it won me the game (although I already had it wrapped up), the second day it was pretty much just a last minute flipping of the bird to Chris Fanchi, who had blown me out in our epic RanCourt versus Profit matchup.
Oh, yeah - the Sarlacc also ate my Han in my game against Jon, because I'm bad at cards. That man is friggin' delicious or something.
I hate Watch Your Step. Not really a highlight, but worth saying.
Jerry has fantastic facial expressions. Like his "does not want" face upon hearing the group chorus vocal at the end of Electric Six's "Electric Demons in Love"
We need to get some blank Fluxx cards and make the goals "Chocolate Rocket" and "Fuckloaf."
Jon and I both pulled white-bordered Tagge Seekers in our prize support from Wyoming States last month. Awesome. I also opened two packs of Death Star II and got a Flagship Executor and B-wing Assault Squadron - hot damn.
Dillon seriously needs to keep growing his hair out, hit the gym, get a tan, and become a real-life Dillio. I am dead serious, it would be awesome. Or, he could get a mullet and it would be so awesome it would bring about world peace. Again, I am dead serious.
Mark is a great Tournament Director, but he should have required decklists for Sunday as well as Saturday so I could write "I Want To Spend All Your Money At The Gay Bar" (the reference lives below) and "Cindy McCain's Sex Tape" in the deck title box. I did get to write "Palin-Cubin 2012" for my Saturday dark deck (it was a bad idea from a red state that maybe works half the time, and yes it lived up to its name).
Jon + camera + hot chick on a motorcycle in front of us on Grand Avenue = predictable results.
A big thanks goes to Mark for running two great events and the two-headed monster of Jerry and Diana for letting us crash at their place again. I feel it's worth repeating that everyone I got to play against was a good sport and it was a real pleasure. Thank you all!
Hope I die before I get rolled,
1 comment:
The original Sheridan SWCCG crew always rocks!
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