Friday, March 20, 2009


At long last, spring is here and my favorite season is underway. It isn't dark when I get off work anymore (largely thanks to DST, but whatever) and it's almost light when I get up (well, when my alarm goes off anyway). It's getting warmer but isn't ridiculously hot yet and things are getting green.

The weather being as nice as it is (and it's been freaking gorgeous in Sheridan), I've restarted running (I was too cheap to join a gym over the winter and didn't much like the idea of pulling a The Bridge-era Billy Joel):

I also finally got me a kettlebell (and inspired my boss to order one of his own). While I haven't been going to Linus-level extremes with it, I have been thoroughly enjoying the ass-kicking it dishes out as I get aquainted with it - I'm focusing on swings and get-ups to start with.

Work is currently giving me a mixed bag of emotions. On one hand, my boss brought the break machine up from Rock Springs, so now we have the ability to break concrete cylinders. If you know me, you know that I love breaking stuff, so this is pretty sweet. I suggested we cast some cylinders to break... you know, for practice. On the other hand, I'm ready to inflict massive amounts of violence on my work computer. Long story short, Regis isn't liking LIDAR and AUTOCad right now.

But it's spring, I'm wearing a Hawaiian shirt in total comfort, listening to X, and getting some overtime out of this, so I can't complain too much.

Happy spring (unless you happen to live south of the equator, but I don't know anyone that does so whatever),


Linus said...

If you do just swings and get-ups for a month or two, you will be doing great. Your abdomen will firm up, and your shoulders will get stoopid strong from get-ups. :)

What size KB did you get?

Regis said...

I'm starting with the standard 16 kg kettlebell. I also got the book/DVD "Enter the Kettlebell" - Pavel makes me smile.

Marougal said...

Excellent! Welcome to the Party, Comrade!
"Program Minimum" is a good workout, and if you put in the time, you will enjoy "Rite of Passage" a lot more. Are you forearms bruised from cleans yet? :)