Since the play was the sole reason I sported a mustache for the last month, the hair on my upper lip was living on borrowed time as soon as we finished the final curtain call. My only regret is not announcing that it was last call for a mustache ride before leaving the Carriage House. If you're one of the handful of people that liked it (you should have spoken up, particularly if you're single and female), this is for you:

And if you thought it made me look like a science teacher or worse, here I am, post-defoliation:

Now, for the second time in the span of a month, I have to get used to looking at a new (and yet still dashingly handsome) face in the mirror. Truly, the excitement never ends.
1 comment:
Defoliation: (yes, I know what it means, but I giggled at the imagery it produced.)
–verb (used with object)
1. to strip (a tree, bush, etc.) of leaves.
2. to destroy or cause widespread loss of leaves in (an area of jungle, forest, etc.), as by using chemical sprays or incendiary bombs, in order to deprive enemy troops or guerrilla forces of concealment. (This one's my favorite)
–verb (used without object)
3. to lose leaves.
4. (of a tree) having lost its leaves, esp. by a natural process.
In conclusion, I am glad that guerrilla forces no longer have a means of concealment on your face.
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