Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First Batch

As long promised, the first batch of FAWM 2009 demos have been posted on the right. All of the titles are placeholders - none of these have any lyrics yet. "Mexican Sunset" and "Mystery Bandito Rides Again" are easily the most polished, many of the others aren't much more than rough guitar (and maybe bass) sketches of chord progressions and such.

If any of these give you an idea for lyrics or whatever, feel free to let me know. Lyrics have never been my strength.


Update - Fixed the links. Thanks for catching that, Evan!


evan, yo! said...

Interesting songs. Mexican Sunset made me want to go drink a beer and watch the sunset, so I applaud the appropriate name.

May I inquire as to what FAWM 2009 is? Also, I had to copy the links and delete the extra "http//" in them to get them to work.

Regis said...

Thanks for giving them a listen, Evan!

FAWM is February Album Writing Month, a "competition" to write 14 songs in 28 days - you can check it out at fawm.org. This is my second year doing it (the Mullettes demos were from last year).