Thursday, April 17, 2008

And Now For Something Completely Different...

I found this over on Andrew Sullivan's blog (link is to the right, gang), and felt compelled to share it with you: The Most Unwanted Song.

A description:
The most unwanted music is over 25 minutes long, veers wildly between loud and quiet sections, between fast and slow tempos, and features timbres of extremely high and low pitch, with each dichotomy presented in abrupt transition. The most unwanted orchestra was determined to be large, and features the accordion and bagpipe (which tie at 13% as the most unwanted instrument), banjo, flute, tuba, harp, organ, synthesizer (the only instrument that appears in both the most wanted and most unwanted ensembles). An operatic soprano raps and sings atonal music, advertising jingles, political slogans, and "elevator" music, and a children's choir sings jingles and holiday songs. The most unwanted subjects for lyrics are cowboys and holidays, and the most unwanted listening circumstances are involuntary exposure to commercials and elevator music. Therefore, it can be shown that if there is no covariance--someone who dislikes bagpipes is as likely to hate elevator music as someone who despises the organ, for example--fewer than 200 individuals of the world's total population would enjoy this piece.

Hooray science!

While it isn't something I'd normally throw on to listen to or play while driving (like Electric Six, for instance), I have to admit I generally enjoyed the piece. The combination of so many musically unrelated elements had an almost Dadaist quality. Some of the elements of the music were quite lovely if taken on their own. Some parts (mainly the kids singing) made me laugh out loud. Overall it kind of felt like watching the infamous Monkees movie Head - weirdly random, but not quite unpleasantly so.

So if you've got 25 minutes to spare, check it out. I think you'll thank me.

Schools are closed and pools are open,

1 comment:

Meg Lanker said...

I want 25 minutes of my life back. I wasted enough of it already.