Tuesday, April 15, 2008

With A Glass She's Pretty Handy

This past weekend, Hillary Clinton, being the blue collar regular gal that she is, threw back a shot of Crown Royal and a beer in Crown Point, Indiana. Now, I don't have a problem with an adult responsibly enjoying an alcoholic beverage - I like to do so myself from time to time. Nevertheless, something about this just didn't sit right with me. Last night, it hit me.

Crown Royal is a Canadian whisky.

That means Hillary Clinton is un-American.

She could have chosen any of a number of fine spirits distilled in the good old U. S. of A., but she didn't. Her choice in imported booze is even more striking, given her apparent flip-flopping over NAFTA - an agreement that includes Canada, the very nation in which Crown Royal is made!

Bravo, Senator Clinton. You just lost the crucial Jack Daniels vote.

On a semi-related note, here's a picture of my dad's truck.

Sadly, the bumper sticker has fallen off since this picture was taken in February (the bumper was pretty dirty when I slapped it on), but my old man's support for Hillary still stands.

Forget about the check, we'll get Hell to pay,

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