Sunday, November 2, 2008

More On The Company They Keep

As I mentioned in the previous post, Dick Cheney stumped for fellow Republicans Cynthia Lummis, Mike Enzi, and John Barrasso in Laramie this Friday. Today's Casper Star-Tribune had more to report; beyond the picture where Cheney and Lummis have the same damn smile, one of the more telling parts was this:
Cheney also urged voters to select an all-Republican ticket because the small size of Wyoming's delegation makes it all the more important that its members be able to work together.
Ever the class act, Cheney is saying that Senators Enzi and Barrasso - who, barring an act of God, are going to retain their seats (much to my chagrin) - are, like himself, blind partisans that put the party line before the needs of the people they are supposed to represent. Because we all know that Democrats - especially Democrats from Wyoming - are utterly incapable of working with the Republicans that outnumber them. I mean, just look at Governor Freudenthal and the campaign that's been run by Lummis' opponent, Gary Trauner. Yep, nothing but utter left-wing partisan hackery there, folks.

So when you go to the polls on Tuesday (assuming you haven't already voted), remember to vote a straight Republican ticket because
  • Our Republican delegation isn't professional enough to work with Democrats, even if they represent the exact same people,
  • Blind party loyalty has worked so well for the Bush administration, so don't fix it if it ain't broke, and
  • Cheney said so, which pretty much makes it law thanks to some Machiavellian trickery with signing statements and such.
Seriously, can we move past this type of division? Please? Even though I disagree with our senators on several fronts, I won't disparage their professionalism like Dick (as we locals call him) does. 

With friends like this, who needs enemies?


Anonymous said...

Regis, is that kool aide you're drinking there in the picture? Enzi is one who does work across the aisle and has suffered for never heard this??

Anonymous said...

Nice tux - you and Trauner fit in both in Wilson and Scarsdale.

Regis said...

Ooh, people that are brave enough to reply, but timid enough to post anonymously!

Not Kool-Aid, it was just colored water, and it was from a play I was in last year. And at the risk of being nit-picky, it's a dinner jacket, not a tuxedo. And let the record show that I just got back from testing at a CBM reservoir, so I'm wearing dirty jeans and steel toe boots - yeah, I'm elitist.

I didn't mean to say that Enzi and Barrasso are incapable of reaching across the aisle (that is one area where I give Enzi a great deal of credit, he was also a really swell guy when I met him on the Close Up trip back in high school, showing us around the Capitol); the point was more that Dick Cheney is saying that they either can't or won't work with Democrats, that he's insulting them.

Anonymous said...

I think it's interesting that the ones who support the republicans have no back up for their reasoning and resort to personal attacks - just like what Regis is pointing out. Way to prove his point folks.