Last night, I played my first real game of Star Wars CCG in almost a year. It's an admittedly nerdy pastime I've had since junior high (right after the Hoth expansion set came out), and while I haven't really played all that much since Decipher lost the license at the end of '01, I've generally tried to keep up with new developments in the game and have stepped up to run the first Wyoming State Championship in the better part of a decade later this month (in collaboration with Colorado States the same weekend).
But first, I need to get back into playing the game. Jon Cates, an old buddy and all-around interesting character, came over yesterday for some practice and playtesting. We're both a little rusty, but we managed to get through two games in about two and a half hours - a little slow, but not too bad. Playing Jon is always an experience, as he builds pretty off-the-wall decks that may or may not blow up in his face (like the time he built a deck in my car on the way to a tournament in Billings, using the random cards he happened to bring along). The two decks I played were a reactive mains deck using It Is The Future You See (v) for light and a flipping Set Your Course For Alderaan (that is to say, blow shit up with the Death Star FTW) deck for dark. I managed to pull out wins with both games, largely courtesy of an early Yoda/late Jedi beatdown and a devastating Lateral Damage on Luke in Artoo in Red 5. I've still got a few more decks to try out, including the latest incarnation of my beloved "Ewok You Like A Hurricane" deck.
So if any of this made sense to you and you're in the area, please come down to Colorado States on August 16 in Fort Collins and Wyoming States on the 17 at Slackers in Laramie.
Commence Primary Ignition,
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