Ladies and gentlemen, I have been to the top of the mountain, and it is good. By which I mean, rather, that I have completed my submission, Eye For An Eye, for the 3-Day Novel Contest with tens of minutes to spare. I'll admit, there were a lot of points where I didn't think it would come together, but damn if it didn't fall into place at the end! I'm pretty jazzed about this, even if it only clocks in at 15,892 words (technically placing it at the longer end of novelette status, but whatever). I may even be inspired enough to finally finish my incomplete work from last year's National Novel Writing Month, Trouble Wears a Blue Plaid Shirt.
I've got until Friday to get it in the mail for judging, but I'll get it out sooner than that. Winners won't be announced until January, and I have no illusions concerning the outcome. But really, that isn't the point.
I met my goal - to complete a work of brand-spanking new fiction in three days - and I did it.
No time for losers, I am the champions... of the world,