Thursday, May 29, 2008

Almost There....

If the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise, the Democratic primary process will be wrapped up in less than a week. Montana and South Dakota have their primaries on Tuesday, and I've gotta say I'm really looking forward to this being finished. Not that I think Hillary Clinton should drop out right now - by all means, let's finish the process, but let's accept the result. It's more that I'm getting pretty tired of her manufactured outrage over the delegations from Michigan and Florida, specifically the high probability that they won't be fully seated. I guess after more than seven years of Dubya, it's easy to forget that breaking the rules can result in consequences.

On that note, here's a bit of satire for your Thursday: Young Hillary Clinton.

In other news, I'm hoping to have some instrumental demos of tunes I wrote for the Mullettes during FAWM up in the near future. Having a little more time to flesh the songs out musically has been extremely exciting for me, particularly since I acquired a keyboard (albeit temporarily). I hope you kids are ready to rock!

Stay on target,

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Going The Distance

Taking inspiration from His Sinfulness, I have embarked on the Couch to 5k program. Running (or cardiovascular endurance of any real kind, for that matter) has never been my strong suit, but this looks like something I can handle. I'm telling you, my single-digit readership, about this so that I have some accountability in this endeavor. I recently got home after my first outing at the junior high track, and I have to say, I hated it a lot less than I thought I would (the podcast telling me when to run and when to walk helped quite a bit). So do me a favor and help keep me honest, mmkay?

In other news, I auditioned for a melodrama last week, but the show isn't happening due to low turnout. As a result, I'm searching for another excuse to grow a mustache.


Sunday, May 11, 2008


The missus and I just got back from seeing Iron Man, and all I can say is "DUDE!" Meg concurs to a degree that is borderline frightening. I cannot wait for the sequel and Avengers spin-off. Hell, even the trailers were awesome (with the possible exception of The Happening, which I'm not entirely sold on, but it could be cool). I have the feeling we're going to see this one again.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

And The Beat Goes On...

I was almost wrong regarding my predictions last night for Indiana and North Carolina (which I realize didn't get posted here, so you'll just have to trust me), so I'm a little disappointed. My educated guess was Barack Obama would win the North Carolina primary by double digits (he did handily) while Hillary Clinton would win in Indiana by single digits (which she did - barely). It looked like Obama might snatch a win in the Hoosier State, and the continued label of "Too Close To Call" on the teevee kept me up later than I should have waiting for a decision. In the end, the good news is that I was right; the bad news is that the campaign continues (even though Obama pretty clearly has this thing won), but even that isn't necessarily such a bad thing as a great many people have already elaborated on in great detail. At any rate, the ELO record stays on the shelf for the time being.

In other news, I am less bad at poker than I thought. On Saturday, Mrs. Regis organized a poker fundraiser for a professor of hers that was recently diagnosed with leukemia. I placed pretty squarely in the middle of the pack, which was fine by me considering I probably haven't played a real(ish) game of poker since before I left Laramie. The fundraiser (which also included a raffle and silent auction) was a solid success, generating better than $5,000.

And finally, I'm playing guitar at church this weekend for a friend's special music. I think it's been even longer since I've played guitar with another musician than it is since I'd played poker, so I'm pretty stoked about this. We're doing a song called "Meet Your Maker," which I assure you is a lot more uplifting than it sounds.

Put a little mustard on it,

Friday, May 2, 2008

It Is Pointless To Resist

Here's a little political humor for your Friday, gang.

Personally, I liked the "Baracky" mashup a little better, but I still enjoyed this. I'm betting the next video will mash the candidates with either Daredevil or the first James Bond film with Roger Moore, Live and Let Die, if only because at this point, Hillary Clinton is strictly analogous with hulking black antagonists. I'm just hoping we don't get to a Conan The Barbarian mashup with Hillary as Thulsa Doom: "Contemplate this on the Tree of Woe. Crucify him."

Stay in attack formation,